Employer Strategies for Preventing Mental Health
Related Work Disability: A Scoping Review

This study examined Nordic research on psychosocial work environment and disability management, specifically employer strategies for preventing work disability in common mental disorders (CMDs).

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The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence

The December, 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak has seen many countries ask people who have potentially come into contact with the infection to isolate themselves at home or in a dedicated quarantine facility. Decisions on how to apply quarantine should be based on the best available evidence. We did a Review of the psychological impact of quarantine using three electronic databases.

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Identifying return to work trajectories among employees on sick leave due to mental health problems using latent class transition analysis

To develop effective return to work (RTW) interventions for employees on sick leave due to mental health problems (MHPs), a better understanding of individual variation in the RTW process is needed. We investigated which RTW trajectories can be identified among employees with MHPs in terms of RTW duration and relapse occurrence during the RTW process. Additionally, we examined how different RTW trajectories can be described in terms of personal and work characteristics.

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Occupational Health and Safety Vulnerability of Recent Immigrants and Refugees

Recent immigrants and refugees to Canada have higher rates of work-related injuries and illnesses than Canadian-born workers. As a result, they are often labelled as ‘vulnerable workers’.

This webinar will present findings of a qualitative study that explored the factors that contribute to occupational health and safety (OHS) vulnerability of recent immigrants and refugees from the lens of the workplace context, including exposure to hazards and access to workplace protections. It will also provide insights into factors that could help reduce the risk of injury and illness among newcomers.

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Employers’ views of the impact of mental health problems on the ability to work

Mentalhealthproblems(MHP)arecommoninworkinglifeandcanbehardtorespondtoforemployers. Therefore, knowledge of employers’ perceptions of employees with MHP is important to support coping efforts of persons and their work environments.

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Workplace Interventions to Prevent Disability from Both the Scientific and Practice Perspectives: A Comparison of Scientific Literature, Grey Literature and Stakeholder Observations

Purpose The significant individual and societal burden of work disability could be reduced if supportive workplace strategies could be added to evidence-based clinical treatment and rehabilitation to improve return-towork (RTW) and other disability outcomes. The goal of this article is to summarize existing research on workplace interventions to prevent disability, relate these to employer disability management practices, and recommend future research priorities.

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Factors related to work ability and wellbeing among women on sick leave due to long-term pain in the neck/shoulders and/or back: a cross-sectional study

Musculoskeletal pain is one of the leading causes of sick leave, especially among women, in Western countries. The aim of the present study was to identify factors associated with work ability and well-being, respectively, among women on sick leave due to long-term pain in the neck/shoulders and/or back.

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Implementation of the participatory approach for supervisors to prevent sick leave: a process evaluation

Purpose: To perform a process evaluation of a multifaceted strategy to implement the participatory approach for supervisors to prevent sick leave in three organisations. Methods: The implementation strategy incorporated a working group meeting with stakeholder representatives, supervisor training, and optional. supervisor coaching.

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Model of Human Occupation as a framework for implementation of Motivational Interviewing in occupational rehabilitation

Occupational rehabilitation is a growing field of research and practice that has contributed to significant developments towards understanding the return-to-work (RTW) process and facilitating RTW outcomes. However, studies of RTW practices indicate variable [1] or minor changes to overall work disability rates [2, 3].

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Modelo lógico de um programa de retorno ao trabalho: instrumento orientador para prevenir a incapacidade

Introdução: organizar e avaliar Programas de Retorno ao Trabalho (PRT) de indivíduos afastados por incapacidade, decorrente de lesões sofridas no ambiente laboral, é de grande importância para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Objetivo: construir o Modelo Lógico do PRT desenvolvido pelo Centro Estadual de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador da Bahia (Cesat/Bahia) como uma das etapas iniciais do processo de avaliação da sua implantação.

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Interventions to improve return to work in depressed people (Review)

Work disability such as sickness absence is common in people with depression.

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Sarcoidosis and Work Participation: The Need to Develop a Disease‑Specific Core Set for Assessment of Work Ability

Sarcoidosis, an inflammatory multi-organ disease with a wide variety of clinical manifestations, affecting people of working age. Patients suffer from a broad spectrum of physical symptoms of varying severity that impact function including cognitive impairment and disabling fatigue. The Dutch Sarcoidosis Society identified a knowledge gap in various facets related to work ability. The aim of this study was to assess sarcoidosis patients’ perceived problems related to work performance, employer, and disability evaluations.

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